After approximately a year and a half of development, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new VI edition, developed with advice and guidance from the Thomas Pocklington Trust.
This edition has been incorporated as a free option in all KAZ courses.
Learning to touch type is considered one of the most beneficial skills for visually impaired and blind individuals, allowing the transfer of thoughts quickly and automatically onto a screen. It provides an invaluable tool and asset for independent learning and communicating.
Learning to touch type at any age can dramatically boost confidence, self-belief and independence. However, teaching learners with visual impairment early can drastically transform their experience at school and in FE/HE, putting them on a more even standing with their sighted peers and opening up new career opportunities.
It is achieving muscle memory and automaticity when touch typing, that increases efficiency and productivity. However and most importantly, learning this skill frees the conscious mind to concentrate on planning, composing, processing and editing, significantly improving the quality of the work produced.
The KAZ course has been designed to work as a stand-alone product or alongside Jaws and other screen readers, SuperNova and other magnifying software/hardware products and captioning software. It has been completely rewritten to cater to VI and blind users.
“We have used and incorporated the most up-to-date technology while developing the course and are thrilled to have finally released this edition, which has been many years in the planning. We are further delighted that Teach Secondary has just awarded the edition first prize, SEND category.”
Sheraleen Braganza, Director of Education & SEND.
“Of all the traditional teaching methods I’ve seen, KAZ offers a unique teaching style that I feel could be more engaging for students learning to touch type. It’s pleasing to see such a comprehensive course out there.”
Graham Page – Technology officer, Thomas Pocklington Trust
(The Thomas Pocklington Trust is a national charity that supports blind and partially sighted people with a focus on education, employment and engagement. Their mission is to support visually impaired people of all ages to live the life they want to lead.)
Additionally, the course has just won the Teach Secondary prize for best resource, SEND category 2023.
Teach Secondary Judge, Rebecca Leek commented, “This is a product that does what it says it does really well. Adaptations have been well-researched and it will make a difference to so many learners as it is an accessible tool that enables students to develop an invaluable life skill. It is good value for money and has been sensitively developed over time, with consideration of different learners’ needs.”